
Played: 1 Won: 0 Lost: 1 Ranked: 8
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  • Team Owner(s): Emerging Media Group
  • Franchise Fee: $67 million
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Last season even before a ball was bowled this side was written off as a bunch of no-hopers. But how the tables were turned was seen by the whole world. This time key all-rounder Shane Watson is unlikely with an injury and some of the other performers like Sohail Tanveer are out of the frame. But expect Shane Warne to come up with a new plan to surprise his rivals.
Latest acqusition: One of the high-profile buys for Rajasthan Royals is the thunderbolt paceman Shaun Tait. The young express bowler is fighting self-doubs and exile to come back on the big stage. Warne's backing could well prove to be decisive X factor this time.
Captain-coach combination: Well the boss of this team is one and only Shane Warne. The spin magician casts a spell around his team and manages to eke out the best out of everybody. Last year he singlehandedly inspired his side to the title. His little-known players managed to raise their performance level and take it to a new high. In the background his old friend, Darren Berry does all the research on the rivals, while Warne plots the moves.
Last year's results: Played: 14, Won: 11, Lost: 3. Champions
Fitness barometer: The presence of a plethora of young Indian cricketers presents a whole new version of the country. These bunch of youngsters are talented, athletic and above all keen to follow their captain.


Head Coach:
Shane Warne
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